& make a lasting positive difference.


Sponsoring a Boy at InspireDR is the easiest way to positively impact the community. You will literally help transform his life for the better by offering him access to positive values and practical skills. And by doing so, positively impact this boy’s family and community.

Practical education and mentoring

By enabling a Boy in Cabarete to enter or to stay in InspireDR’s program, you offer him an opportunity to stay off the streets after school and access to quality education which he would probably not have without your intervention.

The cost of positive impact

$49 per month is all it takes!

With this small but critical donation you not only positively impact a special boy, you create a long term ripple effect throughout the community by enabling him to become a responsible member of his family, responsible man, husband and father, positive community member and more.

Keeping it real

If you choose, you will be matched with a special boy and receive yearly updates from him that may include how he is doing in-program, his skills development and progress in life.

You can create a beautiful relationship with one of the boys, get to know his stories, experiences and challenges. This program will help transform his life by offering him quality education, positive values and practical skills while enriching your sense of purpose by doing an amazing deed.

Of course, you may decide to keep your support confidential and none of your details will be shared with the boy.

Use your power to make a major impact:



Sponsoring a Boy at InspireDR is the easiest way to positively impact the community. You will literally help transform his life for the better by offering him access to positive values and practical skills. And by doing so, positively impact this boy’s family and community.

Practical education and mentoring

By enabling a Boy in Cabarete to enter or to stay in InspireDR’s program, you offer him an opportunity to stay off the streets after school and access to quality education which he would probably not have without your intervention.

The cost of positive impact

$49 per month is all it takes!

With this small but critical donation you not only positively impact a special boy, you create a long term ripple effect throughout the community by enabling him to become a responsible member of his family, responsible man, husband and father, positive community member and more.

Keeping it real

If you choose, you will be matched with a special boy and receive yearly updates from him that may include how he is doing in-program, his skills development and progress in life.

You can create a beautiful relationship with one of the boys, get to know his stories, experiences and challenges. This program will help transform his life by offering him quality education, positive values and practical skills while enriching your sense of purpose by doing an amazing deed.

Of course, you may decide to keep your support confidential and none of your details will be shared with the boy.

Use your power to make a major impact:

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