An Amazing Team committed to inspiring boys on their journey to become responsible men, husbands, and fathers.

Adam Gutman
Co-Founder & President
Passionate about giving back to his community. A deep thinker with purpose, he runs strategic planning, defines organizational goals and objectives, leads donor engagement, manages the annual budget and finds time to participate in training and mentoring the boys.
Yann Reynaud
Yann is a high energy leader, always with a positive mindset, who among many skills excels at inspiring others to be the best they can be. Yann develops and implements the program curriculum; he is a lead instructor, helps volunteers and measures and reports on program effectiveness.
Franchesca de la Cruz
Creative Media & Community Partnerships
She is a Dominican based artist that loves nature, history, and holistic wellness. She manages the creative media department and handles InspireDR’s branding and digital media content. She is also our lead community partnerships coordinator.
Joylin Gonzalez
Head of Programs
As head of programs, he is a dedicated and positive role model for the members and ensures the good quality of the programs working alongside the InspireDR Team of Instructors on the development of the curriculums and classes.
Marckendy LaFrance
Audio Visual Coordinator
Marckendy, a dynamic and creative young man with a passion for art, manages the Audiovisual department, capturing key moments for the organization. Formerly a dedicated member, he now serves as staff.
Sofia Sanchez
Office Manager
Enthusiastic, energetic and multifaceted, Sofía is in charge of ensuring the proper functioning of our facilities and the well-being of the staff. Always willing to help others and provide a helping hand to solve problems and ideas!
Ronal Perez
Sports and Computer Literacy Instructor
Ronal is an example of how a passion for sports and technology can converge to provide comprehensive and enriching education. His commitment to the physical and digital well-being of his students makes him an exceptional educator and a source of inspiration for those he teaches.
Barbara Florimon
ESL Instructor
As a proactive, creative, and empathetic Dominican psychologist, I am committed to positively impacting the community. I provide psychological support to children and, as an ESL instructor, address unique needs with passion. My dedication extends to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment, promoting exploration, growth, and self-discovery. I genuinely enjoy helping people on their journey toward a brighter future.
Brecht Vanhaverbeke
Aquatics Instructor
Brecht, the heart of InspiredR's swimming, transcends strokes, nurturing values with each splash. His warmth fosters confidence, teamwork, and resilience. Dedicated to our members, he instills perseverance and kindness. Brecht isn't just an instructor; he's a mentor, shaping lives stroke by stroke at InspiredR.
Jhonny Exama
Maintenance & Security
He has been part of the family since 2016 and does a wonderful job managing the maintenance of InspireDR and also helping in the construction of our facilities. He is an excellent person who is always willing to support with a smile on his face.
Wislina Saintilus
Wislina is a super kind and collaborative person. She is responsible for keeping everything clean and tidy. Detail-oriented and attentive, Wislina knows what needs to be done so that our facilities are harmonious and organized.

An Amazing Team committed to inspiring boys on their journey to become responsible men, husbands, and fathers.

Adam G

Co-Founder & President

Passionate about giving back to his community. A deep thinker with purpose, he runs strategic planning, defines organizational goals and objectives, leads donor engagement, manages the annual budget and finds time to participate in training and mentoring the boys.

Yann Reynaud


Yann is a high energy leader, always with a positive mindset, who among many skills excels at inspiring others to be the best they can be. Yann develops and implements the program curriculum; he is a lead instructor, helps volunteers and measures and reports on program effectiveness.

Franchesca de la Cruz

Creative Media & Community Partnerships

She is a Dominican based artist that loves nature, history, and holistic wellness. She manages the creative media department and handles InspireDR’s branding and digital media content. She is also our lead community partnerships coordinator.

Joylin Gonzalez

Head of Programs

As head of programs, he is a dedicated and positive role model for the members and ensures the good quality of the programs working alongside the InspireDR Team of Instructors on the development of the curriculums and classes.

Marckendy LaFrance

Audio Visual Coordinator

Marckendy, a dynamic and creative young man with a passion for art, manages the Audiovisual department, capturing key moments for the organization. Formerly a dedicated member, he now serves as staff.

Sofia Sanchez

Office Manager

Enthusiastic, energetic and multifaceted, Sofía is in charge of ensuring the proper functioning of our facilities and the well-being of the staff. Always willing to help others and provide a helping hand to solve problems and ideas!

Ronal Perez

Sports & Computer Literacy Instructor

Ronal is an example of how a passion for sports and technology can converge to provide comprehensive and enriching education. His commitment to the physical and digital well-being of his students makes him an exceptional educator and a source of inspiration for those he teaches.

Barbara Florimon

ESL Instructor

As a proactive, creative, and empathetic Dominican psychologist, I am committed to positively impacting the community. I provide psychological support to children and, as an ESL instructor, address unique needs with passion. My dedication extends to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment, promoting exploration, growth, and self-discovery. I genuinely enjoy helping people on their journey toward a brighter future.

Brecht Vanhaverbeke

Aquatics Instructor

Brecht, the heart of InspiredR’s swimming, transcends strokes, nurturing values with each splash. His warmth fosters confidence, teamwork, and resilience. Dedicated to our members, he instills perseverance and kindness. Brecht isn’t just an instructor; he’s a mentor, shaping lives stroke by stroke at InspiredR.

Jhonny Exama

Maintenance & Security

He has been part of the family since 2016 and does a wonderful job managing the maintenance of InspireDR and also helping in the construction of our facilities. He is an excellent person who is always willing to support with a smile on his face.

Wislina Saintilus


Wislina is a super kind and collaborative person. She is responsible for keeping everything clean and tidy. Detail-oriented and attentive, Wislina knows what needs to be done so that our facilities are harmonious and organized.

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